

預約  Appointment

您可以利用官網 Contact Us 方式、Email、線上客服、Facebook、Line或微信,以上方式諮詢或預約時間,或直接來電預約。本院提供國外客戶當日門診諮詢與手術一併完成的特別服務,以縮短您的停留天數,但請務必於抵台一週前與診所確認預約,以方便我們的術前準備作業。確定預約手術時需要支付500美金或20000台幣 的手術訂金透過匯款。 
You can make an appointment through our official website-contact us, Email, online customer service, Facebook, Line or WeChat, or by simply call. We provide overseas patients with special service of consultation and surgery on the same day to shorten your stay. And for pre-operative preparation, please do confirm your appointment 1 week ahead.However, once the surgery date confirmed, it requires 500USD (or 20000NT) deposit paid by wire transfer.

交通  Transportation

診所地址  Novel Esthetic Clinic address:

3F., No.1, Sec. 4, Zhongxiao E. Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei City 106, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

如何到諾美整形外科診所?  How to get to Novel Esthetic Clinic?

 At Taipei Songshan Airport(TSA), you have the following choices to arrive our clinic:

台北捷運─ 搭乘文湖線至捷運忠孝復興站,從5號出口出站,右手邊勞力士樓上3樓。
By Taipei MRT: Take Wenhu line to Zhongxiao Fuxing station and exit No.5. We are at the third floor of ROLEX building on your right side.
市內公車─ 262/262區 經過7個站後在捷運忠孝復興站下車(約14分鐘),步行183公尺(約2分鐘)後即可抵達本診所。
By local bus: Take bus No.262 or No.262 (which goes to the Delin Institute of Technology), get off at MRT Zhongxiao Fuxing station (15 minutes), and 2-minute walk (183m) to our clinic.
機場計程車─ 單程車資至本診所約NT 200元。
By taxi: The cost for one-way is about NT200.

 At Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport(TPE), you have the following choices to arrive our clinic:

機場計程車─ 單程車資至本診所約NT 1500元。
By taxi: The cost for one-way is about NT1500.

1. 長榮巴士>>外觀塗裝為 綠色Sky Limousine (5201.5202.5203路) 至忠孝復興站牌下車,往前直走至十字路口會看見一樓是勞力士,我們在樓上3樓。

台北市內 → 桃園機場  (全票124元)
( Taipei city → Taoyuan airport )

Daily service every 20~30 minutes, departing from Evergreen Marine Corp. stopping at Fuxing N. Road, Fuxing S. Road, Zhongxiao E. Road, Songjiang Road to terminal 1 & 2 from 05:00 AM – 17:00 PM.
桃園機場 → 台北市內
( Taoyuan airport → Taipei City )

Daily service every 15~20 minutes from terminal 1 & 2 between 06:00-24:30 PM.




2. 飛狗巴士(5502路)至忠孝復興站牌下車,往前直走至十字路口會看見一樓是勞力士,我們在樓上3樓。

By airport shuttle bus: Take Free-Go bus No.5502 or CitiAir bus east No.1960, and get off at MRT Zhongxiao Fuxing station. We are at the third floor of ROLEX building at the nearest intersection.
機場巴士查詢:Further information for the airport shuttle bus:  

A12 機場第一航廈<地下2層  >
車站名稱: 機場第一航廈站

A13 機場第二航廈<地下2層  >
車站名稱: 機場第二航廈站

>>桃園機場捷運 轉乘路線<<  https://www.tymetro.com.tw/cht/index.php

桃園機場捷運 A12.A13站 >> A1 台北車站 下車
換乘 台北捷運板南線 BL12台北車站>>往 南港展覽館方向>> BL15忠孝復興站5號出口>>出來右手邊即可到達  
    Take Bannan Line (to Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center) from BL12 Taipei Main Station =>   BL15 Zhongxiao Fuxing Station   go to EXIT 5 >>on the right side

住宿  Accommodation

If you prefer to stay at our clinic for days, please tell us during reservation. The admission fee is NT4000 for each day, and you will be in fine care of our professional nurses.
2. 我們的診所位於台北市的東區,附近有很多的飯店可供選擇。
Our clinic is located in eastern district of Taipei City, where there are many nearby hotels to choose from.

附近飯店有:Nearby hotels:

喬合大飯店  3☆ 台北市復興南路一段136號 02-2776-5877 步行約5分鐘
 Deja Vu Hotel   136, Sec.1, Fushing S. Rd., Taipei, Taiwan.   5 minutes walking distance

價位: 1~2個人入住價位2500~~3500元,過年暑假熱門時段價位另計
交通方式跟時間: 走路2分鐘
地址:  台北市大安區復興南路一段136號
電話:  02-2776-5877
網址: http://deja-vu.city-hotel.com.tw/

豪麗飯店 4☆ 臺北市大安路一段81之1號 02-2776-6599  步行約10分鐘                       
Royal Palace Hotel   81-1, Sec.1, Da-An Rd., Taipei, Taiwan.   10 minutes walking distance

交通方式跟時間: 走路4分鐘。
地址:  台北市大安區大安路一段81-1號。
電話:  02 2776 6599
網址: http://www.royalpalace.com.tw/

飯店: 丰居旅店 via-hotel

價位: 1~2個人入住價位2200~~2700元,4人房3800-4500元
交通方式跟時間: 走路3~4分鐘
地址: 台北市復興南路一段126巷1號3樓
電話:  02 7711 6368
網址: https://www.via-hotel.com.tw/zhongxiao

飯店: 101艾美琪旅店

價位: 背包客房600-700元,一般客房2700-3100元。
交通方式跟時間: 走路4分鐘。
地址: 台北市大安區復興南路一段126巷1號4樓
電話:  02-2772-8101
網址: http://www.101amicihotels.com/

收費  Payment

手術前付清費用。本院接受新台幣(NTD)、美金(USD)。另外我們也接受國外轉帳付費(wire transfer)和信用卡(Visa Card,Master Card,銀聯卡)付費,如須了解受款方式與轉帳資料的話,請來電詢問。
Full payment is required before the surgery. We accept currency of NTD and USD. Besides, we accept wire transfer and credit card (visa, master, union pay) too. If you have any questions, please give us a call.
